Dulce de
Ashley Bender
English 5243
30 October
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Books (1990-2014)
Alvey, Nahoko
Miyamoto. Strange Truths in Undiscovered Lands: Shelley's Poetic Development
and Romantic Geography. Toronto, ON: U of Toronto P, 2009. Print.
Beake, Fred. The
Imaginations of Mr. Shelley. Salzburg: Univ. of Salzburg, 1993. Print.
Bieri, James. Percy
Bysshe Shelley: A Biography. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins UP, 2008. Print.
Bonca, Teddi
Chichester. Shelley's Mirrors of Love: Narcissism, Sacrifice, and Sorority.
Albany, NY: State U of New York P, 1999. Print.
Brewer, William
D. The Shelley-Byron Conversation. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1994.
Benjamin. Shelley's Eye: Travel Writing and Aesthetic Vision. Aldershot,
England: Ashgate, 2005. Print.
Cox, Jeffrey N.
Poetry and Politics in the Cockney School: Keats, Shelley, Hunt and their
Circle. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 1998. Print.
Duffy, Cian. Shelley
and the Revolutionary Sublime. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2005.
Frosch, Thomas
R. Shelley and the Romantic Imagination: A Psychological Study. Newark,
DE: U of Delaware P, 2007. Print.
Gelpi, Barbara
Charlesworth. Shelley's Goddess: Maternity, Language, Subjectivity. New
York: Oxford UP, 1992. Print.
Denise. Life: Organic Form and Romanticism. New Haven, CT: Yale UP,
2009. Print.
Goslee, Nancy
Moore. Percy Bysshe Shelley, XVIII: The Homeric Hymns and Prometheus Drafts
Notebook: Bodleian MS. Shelley Adds. E. 12. New York: Garland, 1996. Print.
---. Shelley's
Visual Imagination. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2011. Print.
Haines, Simon. Shelley's
Poetry: The Divided Self. Hampshire, England; New York, NY: St. Martin's,
1997. Print.
Hamilton, Paul.
Percy Bysshe Shelley. Plymouth, England: Northcote House, with British
Council, 2000. Print.
Höhne, Horst. In
Pursuit of Love: The Short and Troublesome Life and Work of Percy Bysshe
Shelley. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2000. Print.
Richard. Shelley: The Pursuit. New York, NY: New York Review Books,
2003. Print.
Jones, Steven
E. Shelley's Satire: Violence, Exhortation, and Authority. DeKalb:
Northern Illinois UP, 1994. Print.
Kathleen. Romancing Fascism: Modernity and Allegory in Benjamin, De Man,
Shelley. New York, NY: Bloomsbury, 2013. Print.
Lewis, Linda M.
The Promethean Politics of Milton, Blake, and Shelley. Columbia, MO: U
of Missouri P, 1992. Print.
Milnes, Tim. The
Truth about Romanticism: Pragmatism and Idealism in Keats, Shelley, Coleridge.
Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. Print.
Timothy. Shelley and the Revolution in Taste: The Body and the Natural World.
Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2006. Print.
Jacqueline. The Theatre of Shelley. Cambridge, England: Open Book, 2010.
Irena. Complementary Modes of Representation in Keats, Novalis and Shelley.
New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2001. Print.
Parker, Reeve. Romantic
Tragedies: The Dark Employments of Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Shelley.
Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2011. Print.
Stuart. Shelley among Others: The Play of the Intertext and the Idea of
Language. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins UP, 2002. Print.
Marjean D. Romantic Ideology Unmasked: The Mentally Constructed Tyrannies in
Dramas of William Wordsworth, Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, and Joanna Baillie.
Newark; London: U of Delaware P; Associated UP, 1994. Print.
Jessica K. Shelley and the Musico-Poetics of Romanticism. Farnham,
England: Ashgate, 2012. Print.
Roberts, Hugh. Shelley
and the Chaos of History: A New Politics of Poetry. University Park, PA:
Pennsylvania State UP, 1997. Print.
Ruston, Sharon.
Shelley and Vitality. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan, with
Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB), 2005. Print.
Sandy, Mark. Poetics
of Self and Form in Keats and Shelley: Nietzschean Subjectivity and Genre.
Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2004. Print.
Schmid, Thomas
H. Humor and Transgression in Peacock, Shelley, and Byron: A Cold Carnival.
Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1992. Print.
Schock, Peter
A. Romantic Satanism: Myth and the Historical Moment in Blake, Shelley and
Byron. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Print.
Schoina, Maria.
Romantic 'Anglo-Italians': Configurations of Identity in Byron, the
Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle. Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2009. Print.
Michael. Closet Performances: Political Exhibitionism and Prohibition in the
Dramas of Byron and Shelley. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 1998. Print.
Steinman, Lisa
M. Masters of Repetition: Poetry, Culture, and Work in Thomson, Wordsworth,
Shelley, and Emerson. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1998. Print.
Swaminathan, S.
R. Vedanta and Shelley. Salzburg, Austria: Institut für Anglistik und
Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 1997. Print.
Ulmer, William
A. Shellyan Eros: The Rhetoric of Romantic Love. Princeton: Princeton
UP, 1990. Print.
Vatalaro, Paul
A. Shelley's Music: Fantasy, Authority, and the Object Voice. Surrey, England:
Ashgate, 2009. Print.
Verma, K. D. The
Vision of 'Love's Rare Universe': A Study of Shelley's Epipsychidion.
Lanham, MD: UP of America, 1995. Print.
West, Sally. Coleridge
and Shelley: Textual Engagement. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2007. Print.
Wheatley, Kim. Shelley
and His Readers: Beyond Paranoid Politics. Columbia, MO: U of Missouri P,
1999. Print.
Wroe, Ann. Being
Shelley: The Poet's Search for Himself. New York, NY: Pantheon, 2007. Print.
Bysshe Shelley
Articles (2000-2014)
Abroon, Fazel. "'Mont
Blanc': Transcendence in Shelley's Relational System." Literature &
Theology: An International Journal of Theory, Criticism and Culture 15.2
(2001): 159-73. Print.
---. "Necessity and the
Origin of Evil in the Thought of Spinoza and Shelley." Keats-Shelley
Review 14 (2000): 56-70. Print.
Ali, Zahrah A. Hussein.
"The Prometheus Myth in the Sculptures of Sami Mohammad and the Plays of
Aeschylus and Shelley." Comparative Literature Studies 49.1 (2012):
50-83. Print.
Amjad, Fazel A. "Natural
and Ethical Necessity in Shelley's Epistemology." Keats-Shelley Review
17 (2003): 98-113. Print.
Anderson, Phillip. "A
Romantic Disciple: Shelley, Keats, and Thomas Wade." Philological
Review 36.1 (2010): 1-12. Print.
Barcsák, János.
"Marking, Consciousness, Fabulation: The Lady's Presence in Shelley's
'Sensitive Plant'." Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies
19.1 (2013): 31-59. Print.
Berry, Amanda. "Some of
My Best Friends are Romanticists: Shelley and the Queer Project in
Romanticism." Romanticism on the Net: An Electronic Journal Devoted to
Romantic Studies 36-37 (2004). Print.
Bertonèche, Caroline.
"From Poet to Poet Or Shelley's Inconsistencies in Keats's Penegyric:
Adonais as an Autobiographical Work of Art." EREA: Revue Electronique d'Etudes sur le Monde
Anglophone 5.1 (2007):
35-44. Print.
Betz, Laura Wells. "'at Once Mild and
Animating': Prometheus Unbound and Shelley's Spell of Style." European
Romantic Review 21.2 (2010): 161-81. Print.
Bidney, Martin. "War of
the Winds: Shelley, Hardy, and Harold Bloom." Victorian Poetry 41.2
(2003): 229-44. Print.
Bleasdale, John. "'to
Laughter': Shelley's Sonnet and Solitude." Romanticism on the Net: An
Electronic Journal Devoted to Romantic Studies 22 (2001). Print.
Bromwich, David. "Love
Against Revenge in Shelley's Prometheus." Philosophy and Literature
26.2 (2002): 239-59. Print.
Bruhn, Mark J.
"'Prodigious Mixtures and Confusions Strange': The Self-Subverting Mixed
Style of the Cenci." Poetics Today 22.4 (2001): 713-63. Print.
---. "Shelley's Theory
of Mind: From Radical Empiricism to Cognitive Romanticism." Poetics
Today 30.3 (2009): 373-422. Print.
Buck, Michael.
"Browning, Shelley, and John Stuart Mill: The Dialectic of Theism and
Aestheticism in Pauline and 'Fra Lippo Lippi'." Studies in Browning and
His Circle: A Journal of Criticism, History, and Bibliography 23 (2000):
70-8. Print.
Burley, Stephen.
"Shelley, the United Irishmen and the Illuminati." Keats-Shelley
Review 17 (2003): 18-26. Print.
Buxton, Xavier. "Sappho
and Shelley: Lyric in the Dative." Cambridge Quarterly 40.4 (2011):
342-61. Print.
Callaghan, Madeleine.
"'His Mute Voice': The Two Heroes of Adonais." Keats-Shelley
Review 24 (2010): 38-52. Print.
Cameron, Esther.
"Shelley's 'Defence' Today." Antigonish Review 122 (2000):
131-50. Print.
Canuel, Mark.
"Coleridge, Shelley and the Aesthetics of Correction." Wordsworth
Circle 33.1 (2002): 7-10. Print.
Carman, Colin. "'Freedom
Leads it Forth': Queering the Epithalamium in Prometheus Unbound." European
Romantic Review 24.5 (2013): 579-602. Print.
Cauchi, Francesca. "A
Rereading of Wordsworth's Presence in Shelley's Alastor." SEL: Studies
in English Literature, 1500-1900 50.4 (2010): 759-74. Print.
Cavanaugh, Cynthia.
"Shelley's Sun Temple in Prometheus Unbound." Explicator 66.2
(2008): 82-5. Print.
Chander, Manu Samriti.
"Framing Difference: The Orientalist Aesthetics of David Roberts and Percy
Shelley." Keats-Shelley Journal: Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hunt, and Their
Circles 60 (2011): 77-94. Print.
Choueiri, Youssef M.
"The Romantic Discourse of Ameen Rihani and Percy Shelley." Journal
of Arabic Literature 44.1 (2013): 1-20. Print.
Clarke, George Elliott.
"Racing Shelley; Or, Reading the Cenci as a Gothic Slave Narrative." European
Romantic Review 11.2 (2000): 168-85. Print.
Cochran, Peter. "Byron
and Shelley: Radical Incompatibiles." Romanticism on the Net: An
Electronic Journal Devoted to Romantic Studies 43 (2006). Print.
Cragwall, Jasper. "The
Shelleys' Enthusiasm." Huntington Library Quarterly: Studies in English
and American History and Literature 68.4 (2005): 631-53. Print.
Crook, Nora.
"Calumniated Republicans and the Hero of Shelley's 'Charles the
First'." Keats-Shelley Journal: Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hunt, and Their
Circles 56 (2007): 155-72. Print.
---. "Pecksie and the
Elf: Did the Shelleys Couple Romantically?" Romanticism on the Net: An
Electronic Journal Devoted to Romantic Studies 18 (2000). Print.
---. "Shelley and His
Waste-Paper Basket: Notes on Eight Shelleyan and Pseudo-Shelleyan Jottings,
Extracts, and Fragments." Keats-Shelley Review 25.1 (2011): 68-78. Print.
Cross, Ashley J. "'what
a World we make the Oppressor and the Oppressed': George Cruikshank, Percy
Shelley, and the Gendering of Revolution in 1819." ELH 71.1 (2004):
167-207. Print.
Curran, Stuart. "The
Presence of Godwin and Wollstonecraft in the Shelley's History of a Six Weeks'
Tour." Questione Romantica: Rivista Interdisciplinare di Studi
Romantici 1.1 (2009): 15-27. Print.
Daiya, Krishna. "The
Timelessness of Art as Epitomized in Shelley's Ozymandias." Advances in
Language and Literary Studies 5.1 (2014): 154-6. Print.
Dempsey, Sean. "The
Cenci: Tragedy in a Secular Age." ELH 79.4 (2012): 879-903. Print.
Demson, Michael. "'Let a
Great Assembly be': Percy Shelley's 'the Mask of Anarchy' and the Organization
of Labor in New York City, 1910-30." European Romantic Review 22.5
(2011): 641-65. Print.
---. "Percy Shelley's
Radical Agrarian Politics." Romanticism: The Journal of Romantic
Culture and Criticism 16.3 (2010): 279-92. Print.
Desset, Fabien.
"Shelley's Uneasiness about Colour in His Poetry and Ekphrasis." Interfaces:
Image Texte Language 33 (2012): 165-92. Print.
Devenot, Neșe. "Prophet
of the Electric Age: Cultural Performativity as Nonviolent Revolution in the
Lifework of Percy Bysshe Shelley." Romanticism and Victorianism on the
Net 62 (2012): 1-25. Print.
Dick, Alex J. "'the
Ghost of Gold': Forgery Trials and the Standard of Value in Shelley's the Mask
of Anarchy." European Romantic Review 18.3 (2007): 381-400. Print.
Donahue, Luke. "Romantic
Survival and Shelley's 'Ode to the West Wind'." European Romantic Review
25.2 (2014): 219-42. Print.
Donovan, Jack. "Raising
the Master Spirit: The Epic Poet as Autobiographer in Shelley's Laon and
Cythna." Ranam: Recherches Anglaises et Nord-Américaines 35 (2002):
85-105. Print.
Duff, David. "Shelley's
'Foretaste of Heaven': Romantic Poetics and the Esdaile Notebook." Wordsworth
Circle 31.3 (2000): 149-58. Print.
Duffy, Cian. "Revolution
Or Reaction? Shelley's Assassins and the Politics of Necessity." Keats-Shelley
Journal: Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hunt, and Their Circles 52 (2003): 77-93. Print.
---. "'the Child of a
Fierce Hour': Shelley and Napoleon Bonaparte." Studies in Romanticism
43.3 (2004): 399-416. Print.
---. "'the City
Disinterred': The Shelley Circle and the Revolution at Naples." Forum
for Modern Language Studies 39.2 (2003): 152-64. Print.
Earle, Bo. "The
Prophetic Strain: Shelley on Erotic Failure and World Legislation." Studies
in Romanticism 44.4 (2005): 605-31. Print.
Economides, Louise.
"'Mont Blanc' and the Sublimity of Materiality." Cultural Critique
61 (2005): 87-114. Print.
Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning.
"Displaced Christian Images in Shelley's 'Ozymandias'." Keats-Shelley
Review 14 (2000): 95-9. Print.
---. "James Murphy,
Shelley and a Stanza in Adonais." Keats-Shelley Review 15 (2001):
86-7. Print.
---. "Shelley's
'Alastor', Collins and Gray." Keats-Shelley Review 22 (2008): 94-7.
---. "Shelley's
'Arethusa' and Lines from 'Enoch Arden'." Tennyson Research Bulletin
9.3 (2009): 283-4. Print.
Egan, Gerald. "Radical
Moral Authority and Desire: The Image of the Male Romantic Poet in Frontispiece
Portraits of Byron and Shelley." Eighteenth Century: Theory and
Interpretation 50.2-3 (2009): 185-205. Print.
Eisner, Eric. "The
Cenci's Celebrity." Prism(s): Essays in Romanticism 11 (2003):
7-36. Print.
Ellis, David. "Who is
King of the Cats? Byron, Shelley and the Friendship of Poets." Cambridge
Quarterly 39.1 (2010): 61-75. Print.
Elmore, Lauren T. "The
Implications of Immortal Grief in Shelley's Adonais and Keats's the Fall of
Hyperion." Explicator 68.1 (2010): 15-8. Print.
Engelberg, Karsten.
"Poetic Laments of P. B. Shelley: Conventions, Familiar Mysteries, and
Critical Responses." Angles on the English Speaking World 3 (2003):
129-39. Print.
Erkelenz, Michael.
"Shelley's First Pythian." Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to
Research in Medieval and Modern Literature 97.3 (2000): 393-416. Print.
Estermann, Barbara.
"Attraction and Combination: The Science of Metamorphosis in Shelley's the
Revolt of Islam." Studies in Romanticism 50.3 (2011): 413-36. Print.
Everest, Kelvin.
"Shelley's Adonais and John Keats." Essays in Criticism: A
Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism 57.3 (2007): 237-64. Print.
Faflak, Joel. "The
Difficult Education of Shelley's Triumph of Life." Keats-Shelley
Journal: Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hunt, and Their Circles 58 (2009): 53-78. Print.
Ferber, Michael.
"Shelley and 'the Disastrous Fame of Conquerors'." Keats-Shelley
Journal: Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hunt, and Their Circles 51 (2002): 145-73. Print.
Fraistat, Neil, and Steven E.
Jones. "Immersive Textuality: The Editing of Virtual Spaces." Text:
An Interdisciplinary Annual of Textual Studies 15 (2002): 69-82. Print.
Fraistat, Neil. "The
Material Shelley: Who Gets the Finger in Queen Mab?" Wordsworth Circle
33.1 (2002): 33-6. Print.
---. "The Workshop of
Shelley's Poetry." Romanticism on the Net: An Electronic Journal
Devoted to Romantic Studies 19 (2000). Print.
Francis, Joe. "Doubting
the Mountain: An Approach to Mont Blanc." Keats-Shelley Review 16
(2002): 14-21. Print.
Franta, Andrew. "Shelley
and the Poetics of Political Indirection." Poetics Today 22.4
(2001): 765-93. Print.
Frosch, Thomas R. "'More
than Ever can be Spoken': Unsonscious Fantasy in Shelley's Jane Williams
Poems." Studies in Philology 102.3 (2005): 378-413. Print.
Gamer, Michael. "Shelley
Incinerated." Wordsworth Circle 39.1-2 (2008): 23-6. Print.
Gardner, John. "The
'Slop-Merchant' from Shelley's 'Peter Bell the Third'." Notes and
Queries 50 (248).3 (2003): 311-3. Print.
Geric, Michelle.
"Shelley's 'Cancelled Cycles': Huttonian Geomorphology and Catastrophe in
Prometheus Unbound (1820)." Romanticism: The Journal of Romantic
Culture and Criticism 19.1 (2013): 31-43. Print.
Gladden, Samuel Lyndon.
"Mary Shelley's Editions of the Collected Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley:
The Editor as Subject." Studies in Romanticism 44.2 (2005):
181-205. Print.
Goslee, Nancy.
"Shelley's Cosmopolitan 'Discourse': Ancient Greek Manners and Modern
Liberty." Wordsworth Circle 36.1 (2005): 2-5. Print.
Goulding, Christopher.
"'an Old, Old Man with Hair of Silver White …': A More Scientific Image of
Shelley's Mentor at Eton." Keats-Shelley Review 14 (2000): 52-5. Print.
---. "Early Detective
Drama in Percy Shelley's the Cenci." Notes and Queries 49 (247).1
(2002): 40-1. Print.
---. "Percy Shelley,
James Lind, and 'the Witch of Atlas'." Notes and Queries 50 (248).3
(2003): 309-11. Print.
---. "Percy Shelley's
Cosmological Sublime: James Lind, Wililam Herschel, and 'the Multitudinous
Orb'." Keats-Shelley Review 18 (2004): 206-16. Print.
---. "Shelley's
Cosmological Sublime: William Herschel, James Lind and 'the Multitudinous
Orb'." Review of English Studies: The Leading Journal of English
Literature and the English Language 57.232 (2006): 783-92. Print.
---. "An Unpublished
Shelley Letter." Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of
English Literature and the English Language 52.206 (2001): 233-7. Print.
---. "A Volcano's Voice
at Eton: Percy Shelley, James Lind MD, and Global Climatology." Keats-Shelley
Review 17 (2003): 34-41. Print.
Gray, Erik. "Faithful
Likenesses: Lists of Similes in Milton, Shelley, and Rossetti." Texas
Studies in Literature and Language 48.4 (2006): 291-311. Print.
Greene, Virginie. "Three
Approaches to Poetry." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language
Association of America 120.1 (2005): 219-34. Print.
Grinnell, George C.
"Ethics in the Face of Terror: Shelley and Biometrics." Review of
Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies 30.3-4 (2008): 332-51. Print.
Haekel, Ralf. "Towards
the Soul: Percy Bysshe Shelley's Epipsychidion." European Romantic
Review 22.5 (2011): 667-84. Print.
Hall, Spencer. "'Beyond
the Realms of Dream': Gothic, Romantic and Poetic Identity in Shelley's
Alastor." Gothic Studies 3.1 (2001): 8-14. Print.
Halsey, Katherine.
"Percy Bysshe Shelley and Theories of Language: A Discussion." Keats-Shelley
Review 16 (2002): 22-30. Print.
Hancock, Stephen.
"'Shelley Himself in Petticoats': Joanna Baillie's Orra and Non-Violent
Masculinity as Remorse in the Cenci." Romanticism on the Net: An
Electronic Journal Devoted to Romantic Studies 31 (2003). Print.
Hands, Christopher.
"Byron's Conversation with Shelley." Essays in Criticism: A
Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism 58.2 (2008): 143-61. Print.
Harmon, William. "Hardy,
some Daisies, and Shelley." Thomas Hardy Journal 20.1 (2004): 61-3.
Harrison, Douglas.
"Narcissism, Apocalypse, and Shelley's Critique of Canonical History in
'Alastor'." Prism(s): Essays in Romanticism 11 (2003): 37-63. Print.
Harrison, Margot. "No
Way for a Victim to Act? Beatrice Cenci and the Dilemma of Romantic
Performance." Studies in Romanticism 39.2 (2000): 187-211. Print.
Hartman, Geoffrey.
"Gods, Ghosts, and Shelley's 'Atheos'." Literature & Theology:
An International Journal of Religion, Theory, and Culture 24.1 (2010):
4-18. Print.
Harvey, A. D. "Shelley
and the Seduced Maidens." Keats-Shelley Review 16 (2002): 56-60. Print.
Hebron, Stephen.
"Shelley's Ghost-an Exhibition at the Bodleian Library, Oxford." Keats-Shelley
Review 25.1 (2011): 10-2. Print.
Hewitt, Regina. "Landor,
Shelley, and the Design of History." Romanticism on the Net: An
Electronic Journal Devoted to Romantic Studies 20 (2000). Print.
Hitt, Christopher. "'A
Sword of Lightning': Shelley's 'Ode to Liberty' and the Politics of
Despair." Keats-Shelley Review 15 (2001): 64-85. Print.
---. "Shelley's
Unwriting of Mont Blanc." Texas Studies in Literature and Language
47.2 (2005): 139-66. Print.
Howe, Tony. "Shelley and
the Development of Don Juan." Byron Journal 35.1 (2007): 27-39. Print.
Hubbell, J. A. "Laon and
Cythna: A Vision of Regency Romanticism." Keats-Shelley Journal: Keats,
Shelley, Byron, Hunt, and Their Circles 51 (2002): 174-97. Print.
Jackson, H. J. "The 'Ai'
in 'Adonais'." Review of English Studies 62.257 (2011): 777-84. Print.
Jager, Colin. "Shelley
After Atheism." Studies in Romanticism 49.4 (2010): 611-31. Print.
Johnston, Nicholas.
"Shelley, Julian and the Narratives of Julian and Maddalo." Keats-Shelley
Review 14 (2000): 34-41. Print.
Joukovsky, Nicholas A.
"Contemporary Notices of Shelley: Addenda to the Unextinguished
Hearth." Keats-Shelley Journal: Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hunt, and Their
Circles 56 (2007): 173-95. Print.
---. "Robert Parker's
'Letters on Atheism': An Early Response to Shelley's the Necessity of
Atheism." Review of English Studies 63.261 (2012): 608-33. Print.
Joukovsky, Nicholas.
"Keats, Shelley, and the Troubadour." Keats-Shelley Review 19
(2005): 132-41. Print.
Judson, Barbara. "The
Politics of Medusa: Shelley's Physiognomy of Revolution." ELH 68.1
(2001): 135-54. Print.
---. "A Sound of Voices:
The Ventriloquial Uncanny in Wieland and Prometheus Unbound." Eighteenth-Century
Studies 44.1 (2010): 21-37. Print.
---. "Under the
Influence: Owenson, Shelley, and the Religion of Dreams." Modern
Philology: Critical and Historical Studies in Literature, Medieval Through
Contemporary 104.2 (2006): 202-23. Print.
Jung, Sandro. "Overcoming
Tyranny: Love, Truth and Meaning in Shelley's Prometheus Unbound." Keats-Shelley
Review 20 (2006): 89-101. Print.
Kaufmann, David. "Two
Cheers for Abstraction: Streams of Sound in Prometheus Unbound." Symbolism:
An International Journal of Critical Aesthetics 1 (2000): 193-210. Print.
Kelley, Theresa M.
"Reading Justice: From Derrida to Shelley and Back." Studies in
Romanticism 46.3 (2007): 267-87. Print.
Kilgour, Maggie. "'One
Immortality': The Shaping of the Shelleys in the Last Man'." European
Romantic Review 16.5 (2005): 563-88. Print.
Kim, Jane E. "Jobian
Suffering in Shelley's the Cenci." SEL: Studies in English Literature,
1500-1900 52.4 (2012): 765-96. Print.
Koopman, Jennifer. "'the
Cruel Painter' as a Rewriting of the Shelley-Godwin Triangle." North
Wind: Journal of George MacDonald Studies 26 (2007): 48-76. Print.
Kuiken, Kir. "The
Metaleptic Imagination in Shelley's Defence of Poetry." Keats-Shelley
Journal: Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hunt, and Their Circles 60 (2011): 95-111. Print.
---. "Shelley's 'Mask of
Anarchy' and the Problem of Modern Sovereignty." Literature Compass
8.2 (2011): 95-106. Print.
Kurobane, Shigeko. "'A
Scorpion Ringed with Fire' and 'A Rose for the Breast of God': The Cenci and
the Ring and the Book." Studies in Browning and His Circle: A Journal
of Criticism, History, and Bibliography 24 (2001): 68-77. Print.
Laniel, Sophie. "Anatomy
of Light: Astronomy, Optics and Wave Dynamics in Percy B. Shelley's
Epipsychidion and the Triumph of Life." Etudes Anglaises:
Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis 63.1 (2010): 73-87. Print.
László, Noémi.
"Unorthodox Theists: Thomas Hardy and Percy Bysshe Shelley." AnaChronisT
(2000): 186-201. Print.
Lauritsen, John.
"Hellenism and Homoeroticism in Shelley and His Circle." Journal
of homosexuality 49.3-4 (2005): 357-76. Print.
Lawton-Balejko, Dana. "A
Lost Shelley Letter in Boston College's Francis Thompson Archive." Keats-Shelley
Journal: Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hunt, and Their Circles 57 (2008): 25-31. Print.
Lee, Sungbum.
"Reference, Self-Reference and the Power of Signs: The Cases of Hugh Blair
and Percy B. Shelley." Nineteenth Century Literature in English
13.1 (2009): 233-57. Print.
Levy, Michelle. "Discovery
and the Domestic Affections in Coleridge and Shelley." SEL: Studies in
English Literature, 1500-1900 44.4 (2004): 693-713. Print.
Lewis, Eric. "Poetry,
Imagination, and Revolution in Shelley's the Mask of Anarchy." Sigma
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